And Welcome to my website...
How may I help you?
As you may have guessed from the URL, I am Dean Murray – an all-round creative guy, currently based in a rather remote part of Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom.
I offer quite a range of skills and services, so I’ve put together this little showcase of all services I currently offer, as well as highlighting some of my finer work over the last three decades. Please feel free to have a look around – and kindly get in touch if you reckon there is something I can do for you.

To quickly sum up what I've done here: This site is a showcase of the last 30 years of my involvement in the art, graphic design, events and exhibitions arenas ... and it’s been a lot of fun! More recently I have decided to offer a local property maintenance service as well, just to get back to being active and enjoying the good weather outside (when available). Please feel free to have a wander around, and certainly do get in touch if you reckon I could be of service.
Services @ A Glance

I would like for you to enjoy your time spent on my site, so will not bombard you with annoying pop-ups or any other website irritations that interrupt and intrude more than they help. Take it in at your own pace. And I certainly have not gone to any great lengths in trying to sound all corporate by using technical jargon and sales spiel that may sound flowery and fancy but really isn’t saying much in the end. I believe if we speak in direct and simple terms – we get where we are headed with far greater ease.
With that said, I certainly hope you find your time spent on my site interesting and worthwhile!